Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Friday, September 29, 2006

$900 Field trip?

Well, this is a first for me. My 5th grader brought home a field trip form. $900 for a trip to New York. Huh? He is in 5th grade and I don't just have $900 just lying around.
Logan is begging me to let him go. Now, I have not even been to New York and when I went to school it was only the Seniors that went out of state for a class trip. Maybe I am just too old, but I don't see how I could send (even if I did have the money) my 5th grader to another state, with a man I don't know and feel good about his "experience". I usually let the kids do all the field trips, but this time I think I will have to say no. He is sullen and moody now saying he will be the only one not going. So, on top of being shocked that he even brought this home,I have guilt.


At 6:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's too young to be going all the way to New York! What the hell is wrong with schools today?

At 7:36 AM , Blogger Kat said...

900! And he's in 5th grade...we didn't go til 12th and we only live 3 hrs away. I thought for trips for that you had to have one adult per child?

At 1:39 PM , Blogger Shannon said...

Hello! The red flags are all over this one. This is a great big heck no! in my book. I have a 5th grader too, and he wouldn't even ask to go, because it's got 10 brands of "wrong" all over it.

* you don't know the teacher well
*aren't sure of his credentials
* what is it that they are going to learn there that they can't learn in their own state
* $900. Are you even kidding me?

Does this include overnight stay? If so, there's another bunch of flags.

*Where's he gonna sleep
* Who's going to be in the room with him

Among others.

Sorry, whole lot of "Nu Uh" in my head right now.

You stand your ground.

At 1:42 PM , Blogger Shannon said...

Hello! The red flags are all over this one. This is a great big heck no! in my book. I have a 5th grader too, and he wouldn't even ask to go, because it's got 10 brands of "wrong" all over it.

* you don't know the teacher well
*aren't sure of his credentials
* what is it that they are going to learn there that they can't learn in their own state
* $900. Are you even kidding me?

Does this include overnight stay? If so, there's another bunch of flags.

*Where's he gonna sleep
* Who's going to be in the room with him

Among others.

Sorry, whole lot of "Nu Uh" in my head right now.

You stand your ground.

At 10:55 PM , Blogger Debbie said...

that's MESSED UP. garrr.

I think you should stick to your guns, lady.

$900... swoooooon... what I wouldn't do for -- um. okay. forget I started to say that.

the point is, I'm an adult, a grown-up lady, and I don't have access to that kinda money. where the HELL are these kids s'posed to come up with that kinda cash?



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