Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thursday Thirteen #12

Thank you Denise for this great TT banner!
Thirteen Reasons I need Calgon to take me away!

1. Money - I hate living paycheck to paycheck and with another birthday and Christmas coming up, this is extremely stressful. I honosly don't know where my money is going. Well other than
trying to feed 5 kids each day!

2. Logan- For the constant arguing. Everything is an arguement now. If I said the sky was blue he would argue with me that it wasn't.

3. Tyler - For the 6 am talks. I just can not talk that early in the am and boy can he talk!

4. Kaity - For her endless questions. She is becoming smarter than me and I just don't know how to answer her anymore.

5. Kaleb- For his agression to his sister. He plays so rough.

6. Becca- For wanting to be held 24/7. I love to hold her, but man my arms can only handle so much!

7. Hubby- For is constant "ideas" and never following thru with them.

8. In laws- MIL just left from her month long stay and will be back in another month.

9. Van- Don't ya just love van problems? Mine likes to short out.

10. House- The constant mess that is always around my house. I have lost the energy to try to keep up with it.

11.Weight- Constant battle and I am LOSING. (not in the good way, I mean I am gaining instead of losing weight)

12. Sex- I don't want it anymore. (Very personal I know) I feel bad for the hubby but I just can't do it now.

13. Energy - I just don't have any energy anymore.


At 2:28 PM , Blogger Alyssa Goodnight said...

I feel your pain. I don't have five kids, only two, but I don't know how you can do it. Two is all I can handle.

I hope it gets better soon. :)

At 4:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like you need a much deserved break! Hopefully you willbe able to get one soon. have a great TT!

My 13 are up too!

At 5:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so understand all the items on your list. I also need several "calgon" moments. Sometimes I just have to substitute a tub of popcorn for it, now I'll melt peanut butter over it.


At 7:47 PM , Blogger Kim said...

Forget Calgon! Sounds like you need a day at the spa.

At 8:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl, find some Calgon right away! You are my hero! :)

At 6:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep...all goods reasons for Calgon and a nice strong drink! :)

At 7:59 PM , Blogger Kat said...

I need some Calgon too! Here's to long hot baths without husbands kids or bills....hey it good to have dreams.


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