Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Ok, so I have totally been avoiding my blog. It isn't my fault.... really. I have had the stomache flu. I tell you there is nothing worse than that. I was delusioned to think that it was the 24 hour kind. Nuh uh not mine. Somebody brought me one that takes FOREVER to get over. First you feel bad. Worn out. Stomache is cramping (you are feeling my pain aren't you?). Then it gets a little better and you think, well, that wasn't so bad. You wake up the next day and you are heaving your guts OUT. 9 hours later you stop and just feel plain rotten. Ok, so now you think it is over. WRONG. You wake up the next day again and you heave worse than the day before. Oh, just kill me now. I stayed in bed all day that day. Thankfully hubby was home that day or my kids would have been able to run all over me! So, today, I feel a little better. I am back among the living atleast. I still can't eat but I am atleast walking around.

Tell me, what superbug is out there that loves me so much to linger in my body? I am not that loveable..... really. I should be a terrible host for this bug. BUG BE GONE. I just hope the kids don't get this. I can see this bug making full circles in this house. Lysol, you are my best friend right now. KILL THE BUG!!


At 5:29 PM , Blogger Kat said...

Yuck! God bless Lysol!


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