Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Friday, April 13, 2007


Isn't it amazing that a 4yr old and a 2yr old can obliterate a house in the matter of an HOUR? I am stunned, really stunned.

I was very busy working today, had my head in a big project. I was IN the room with them, they were playing in the living room and watching cartoons. They were giggling and laughing and romping around. I was like, wow, finally they are getting along! Kaleb usually knocks her down or trips her, something to make her see that he is the strong one. But not today, I even caught a glimpse of them playing barbies. Ok, well, playing is a strong word, they were swordfighting with the barbies. I think Kaleb even managed to decapitate one (sorry barbie!)

Anyhoo, I feel a break is deserved and that maybe it is time to fix lunch. I walk around the couch (the couches are a little high and block my view of the floor of the living room I can see the actual room, but the floor is a little out of my view- you know where I am going with this) and there is Trix cereal ALL OVER MY FLOOR. I was in shock. I heard no cereal throwing. As I am ranting and raving, my angels decide they better scatter to another room. They giggle on the way out.

So,while I am cleaning up Trix and cursing myself for not paying enough attention, I hear this loud "swish"..water dropping and spraying sound, along with big bouts of laughter . I immediatly head to the kitchen where I find my son and daughter (you know the angels that they are) engaging in a JUICE BOX FIGHT. I kid you not. I am sure the boy was behind this fiasco. He put the ammunition in the girl's hand and showed her what to do. But she was more than a willing participant. I am afraid she lost that war though, because he had her wet from head to toe.

Now, mind you, while running from the living room to the kitchen, I must first pass Kaleb's room. Here I find much of the same kinds of mess as the living room. A Trix war must have taken place here too. I know I was here, I swear it! How on earth could they do this with such little sound.

I think these two have learned to conspire against me. Anytime my head is turned away and preoccupied for even the shortest time, they find something destructive to do.

I admit, I wanted them to get along, but seriously, did I want them to be partners in crime? They have tagged up against me and I am really afraid they are going to win!! What am I saying, apparently they have already won. I am just trying to keep up!

I don't remember this much destruction and collaborating amongst my older kids when they were this little. Did I just forget or is the new generation learning that mom has gotten old and found ways to crack her?!?!


At 8:25 AM , Blogger Sissy said...

I only had one child, but I remember having other kids over, and being overwhelmed, they seemed to go through the house like a tornado!

At 7:21 AM , Blogger Kat said...

lol and again this is why I only want 1 kid.


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