Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Commit me now.....

If you are here for the party, HERE is my original post.

Now for the real scoop. How insane was I today? I would say the most insane I have been in sometime. What on EARTH would posess me to take the 5 (heathens) kiddo's to have their hair cut. Now, this in itself is crazy, but add in the fact that I have the stomache flu and was up half the night sick. Yes, you can sign the commitment papers now.

Now, this wasn't just some random act. I did have a plan. First, the plan was to take darling Kaity to dance class. I HAD to do this. So, during dance class I thought I would get my oldest's hair cut. I would only have him and the youngest with me. Two hyper boys would stay with mother in law. Seemed like a doable plan, not too hard. Now, before leaving for dance class, mother in law says she can't take the 2 boys she "must" go and return a computer. Great, lovely timing. So, oldest boy knows he was to get his hair cut today (1st hyper boy Tyler was going to get it cut tomorrow) so I couldn't cancel. Now, I would just get the two oldest boy's cut at the same time. So, I drop Kaity off and dance class and go to the salon. We have to wait, and wait, and wait. Ok, I ONLY have 45 minutes to do this. Well, 40 minutes have passed now and I have to tell them to forget it. No, they tell me, they will "hold my spot" until I get back and they will "work us in". Great, so my 40 minutes of waiting is not in vain. So, I heard the 4 back into the van, race to get Kaity from dance and then turnaround and go back to the salon, get all 5 out and head in. Now, Kaleb is getting anxious, he wants the McDonalds that was promised earlier and is not very patient to begin with. So, after only 10 more minutes of waiting, they call Logan in to ge the hair cut. Things are progressing nicely. In the midst, I am constantly in my verbal war with kids "Kaleb no" "Tyler stop" "Becca come back here" "Kaleb NO" "Tyler, pleeaaassseeee" "Becca come back HERE". You get the point. So, Logan is finally done, and he looks very nice I might say. Tyler goes next. The poor hairstylist couldn't keep his head still. Now, he is 10, so this should not have been a hard feat. He ended up looking nice too. But, the poor boy needed a haircut so bad, he was looking like a Monchichi. So, she finishes, and I say what the heck, let's get Kaity's hair cut too. We have been in the salon for almost 2 hours now (total not the second time) and she deserves it too. Thankfully, hers went quickly.

Now, you would think this would be the END of the story. Oh you are so wrong. So, while I am trying to pay, and laugh at all the "Oh my they are all YOURS" jokes, Kaleb jumps up and down and cries that he needs to pee. Ok, Logan, go and take your brother potty. Ok, problem handled. WRONG. Kids come running back to me "Kaleb ran into the ladies room and won't come out". Yes, the older boys keep popping their heads into the FULL ladies room to try to get Kaleb out. (Do you have the commitment papers yet?) So, I finish paying, blushing the entire way and go on my quest to get Kaleb out of the women's bathroom. Yes, that was a scene. He didn't want to leave. I had a screaming 4 yr old all the way to the van.

Ahhh, is it over yet? Well, it is almost bed time, so that is good. And as Scarlett says "tomorrow is another day" (and yes, I am saying it in my best southern drawl) But, is that a good thing?

Now, I would have POSTED a picture of the kids with the haircuts, but they didn't cooperate. BIG SURPRISE, I know.

Now, I have to go to bed, too much partying I guess, because my tummy hurts *snif*


At 6:45 AM , Blogger Sissy said...

O.k, where do I sign?? LOL! you are a brave woman!

At 6:21 PM , Blogger Kat said...

Oh sweetie! You are brave! I hope you are feeling better.


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