Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentines???

Well, today has been a day for all days! You know that Alabama song "Roll on 18 wheeler". Well it talks about a husband/father that is stuck in a snowbank in Illinois. Ok, that trucker was in a wreck, my hubby, the trucker, is stuck BECAUSE of those damn snowbanks in Illinois. He was doing his runs and because of the storms, he (and his partner) couldn't get their last load unloaded. They are now being forced to stay overnight (he should have been home tonight). Not only that, they will NOT be paid extra for losing their day off and they will not receive another day off to comp. it. It is utter and complete BULLSHIT, if you ask me. The company claims is that they "can't control the weather". Um, ok, and my husband can??? Do they really think that they would prefer to stay in Illiniois on thier day off than to come home??? Wouldn't you think the buttheads at the company might have thought to call the route OFF if the weather was going to be bad? Seriously, does everyone have their heads up thier asses??? I swear, if we didn't need the job, he would already be gone.

Well, I apologize for all the profanity. If you read me regularly, you know I don't cuss like a "trucker" (sorry, LOL, I had to use it). But I am very, very upset. Can you hear my heart breaking? So, again, ignore the expelatives.

Did I also mention that I have been at home all day with 5 sick kids and I have been fighting a terrible cold now for almost a week. LOL I don't know about you, but I am soooo ready for this week to already be over.

So, anyway, I hope everyone else out there has a Happy V day!

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At 3:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh sucks. I remember that song and I remember hoping for a call from PITA's company...heh.

Happy VD.

You switched to the new Blogger and it messed up your template. I need to fix that. Email me later.

At 7:32 AM , Blogger Sissy said...

That stinks! I hope he can get home to you soon:o)


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