Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Baby B has come into her own

Now, what exactly has she come into you might ask. TERROR. She has become a holy terror. You turn your back for 5 seconds and she starts destroying things left and right. Temper tanturms are a daily occurance now. Not just the loud wailing, but the full on the floor, throwing the body around, kicking and screaming legs tantrums. I am not surprised, it was bound to happen sooner or later. (I would have preferred later) What HAS surprised me is her new facinations.
Picture this ANGELIC child. You see her. She is innocent, right? Well, the other night while we are watching a movie, she opts to go and play in the older kids rooms. Seems harmless enough. We were WRONG. She comes out after being in there, oh about 5 minutes, and comes to sit on my lap. I look down and she is COVERED in nail polish. Bright pink nail polish to be exact. She has it all over her hands, up her arms, on her pj's. OMG the smell. I would swear by the smell of it, fumes should have been flying off of her. Apparently, my oldest daughter, took off with my case of nail polish and left it in Ty's room (ok, don't ask me why my SON had it in his room,I have no answer). Not only did she cover herself in nail polish, but she opened many more bottles and POURED them into the box. So, off to the bath we go. Let me tell you, scrubbing does little for nail polish. And the nail polish that was on her pj's, leaked onto her skin, so her knees and legs were also pink. And do you think I have ANY nail polish remover in the house?? Yeah, no, fresh out. So, needless to say, after an hour in the bath, she went to bed slightly pink.

So, my peaceful days of watching this innocent child are gone. Here are the days where I must watch her like a HAWK.


At 2:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have BTDT!!! Twice infact..LOL and botht imes.. was out of nail polish remover..LOL Only it was a dark crimson red polish that my tot decided to wear..LOL..

Sugar didnt start throwing tantrums and getting into everything until she turned 4.. at 4. she started throwing herself down on the floor and screaming in fits of rage.. Its enough to drive me batty.. I thought it was odd that this behavior didnt start until she was 4 years old.. Before that.. she was best described as perfect child.. But her behavior change of course started when the baby was born.. Since september its been one tantrum after another with her.. She went 4 years having me all to herself during the day.. just me and her.. because the odlest was in school and the 2nd oldest.. he was very independant and didnt "need mom" like sugar did.. But nwo that the baby requires more of me.. oye!

At 10:35 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

My lil tornado played with my pentel pens ...the multicolored one .. .he slept looking like a rainbow. It took 4 baths for all of it to be gone.


At 1:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For memories sake, I hope you got lots of pictures!


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