Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thumbs up!

Ok, amidst the chaos of baseball season, I must have lost my brain somewhere.

Tuesday- we are getting ready to leave, I am barking orders at the children to vamoose out
of the house. I get them in the van, look in my purse for my keys..........NO KEYS. They are locked in the house. Yes, seriously.

So, I call hub and ask if there is a spare key hidden anywhere because, as the responsible person I am, all the doors are locked and I can't get back in the house. Nope, no such luck. However, (ray of light here), he says we can break into the house thru a window. Oh, how nice, did I need to know it was easy to break into my house? So, Logan and I go to the window and get it open. (ok, actually there are 2 windows, an outside one and an inside one) Yay. I stand on some cinder blocks and push my oldest thru the window (me in my old age could not have accomplished that feat). So, once he is in I tell him to close the inside window and I will close the outside one (the outside one was very tough to open). So, he does his part and I start pulling down on the outside one. THIS is where things get fuzzy. Somehow the hard window gave way and fell at warp speed ON MY THUMB. I am not sure how, but I got my thumb out and must have jumped off the cinder blocks. I really don't remember much of that part. Very fuzzy. All I do remember is the immense pain and me jumping around trying not to scream at the top of my lungs. Yes, we got in the house, but I have either broken my thumb or severly jammed and bruised my thumb.

Have no time for that though, we had to get to ball practice. So, I buck up, wipe my tears, grab some ice and start the rest of the horrible night. I have no time to go to dr and get an xray, Tyler has a game and pictures. So, as my thumb swells to twice it's size and turns purple and red, I muddle thru the LONGEST game of my life. They actually had to stop the game at the
2 hour time limit. They technically did not finish the game.

Wednesday- So, still no time to get my thumb checked out. And really, even if I did, what would they do? Nothing except confirm it broken. Pointless to pay them for that. So, we CLOSED ON THE HOUSE!!!! YAY. I never thought this day would come. Still though, my brain is still missing. On the way to closing, I stopped at Kroger to exchange the diapers I had bought in the wrong size. I have my kroger saving card on my keys. Yes, I left Kroger without my keys. I did not find this out though until we were out of town (Hub was driving, so no need for the keys then). So, later that day hub had to go and pick my keys up so that I can finish out my week of

Today- so far today I am ok. I haven't left yet though. We have baseball practice tonight, so we shall see if things go well.

Have you ever noticed how much you use your thumb? Even the simplest things have become difficult. Changing a diaper. Giving a bath. Spreading peanut butter on a waffle. Using the computer . I can type without my thumb,but my mouse is thumb driven. The ball part is on the side and you use your thumb to roll it around. I have had to become creative there. I have to lean over and use my left hand to work the ball and use my right index finger to press the buttons. I miss my thumb. I also would like the pain to go away. That isn't something I am fond of either.

So, if anyone has located a spare brain, I would be very interested in it. Losing mine has caused too much trouble already.


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