Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Accident prone

Seriously, how accident prone can one person be? Do you think someone is just naturally clumsy or is it fate that accidents happen?

Well, this weekend I managed:

**To fall getting out of my bathtub. Now this was no ordinary fall. I fell so well that my
leg landed on the tub. I now have a lovely black and blue and purple bruise from the middle
of my thigh to the middle of my calf on the back of my leg **

**I tripped walking past my elliptical machine. I was leaving the house and some how my leg
caught the edge of the machine scratching my leg and nearly banging my head into the door**

**Walking into my bathroom, which is carpeted, I slightly walk on a magazine and I start
sliding across the floor and land on my butt **

**Walking into my laundry area, I step on a curtain rod. You know the cheap ones that have
the curved ends. My middle toe on my left foot lands right in the curve and slices the toe from
top to bottom. I can barely walk now. **

So, am I accident prone or is fate trying to tell me something? What can it possibly be trying
to tell me? Tell me to get rid of everything in my house before it kills me??


At 6:33 AM , Blogger Wendy said...

Maybe, slow down.

I have had the same type of weeks, before. What I hate the most is when you have a bruise or cut and dont know where or how you got it.

At 8:19 AM , Blogger Sissy said...

I can so relate! I am as clumsy as they come, I'm always falling and tripping. Good thing I'm short, and don't have far to fall, lol!
Somehow I don't think that removing everything from the house, is a good way to deal with this problem, Heh!

At 12:25 PM , Blogger a happier girl said...

I do the slide on paper thing. You don't think it could be nearly so slippery and then down you go.


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