Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Where am I?

Last night it occured to me that I am lost. I have lost me. Since becoming a wife and a mother I have put everyone's elses needs first. I forget to eat, I rarely get to take a bath and I lose sleep. I am waking up each day with the thought "Ok, how can I get to the end of this day." I know I use to take care of myself. I can't remember what I did or exactly when it was, but I have the strong feeling I use to do it. I know I didn't always wake up with the feeling of being gone. So, now that I realize I am lost, how do I find me? All my energy is still bound in raising my kids. Even what is now my job of being a wife and a mother is starting to dwindle. I use to cook. I use to keep a perfectly clean house. I use to have energy to tackle every question my kids threw at me. Now, again, I am going thru the motions just to get thru the day. I don't cook as much as I use to and certainly without the variety I use to. I can't even remember now what I use to enjoy cooking. My house is a tornado alley. I know I have 5 kids so it is an impossible dream that my house be immaculate always, but I would prefer it to not look so cluttered or like a tornado has passed thru it.

So, I am lost. Where am I and how do I get myself back? I guess that is the big question. Surely I am here somewhere underneath the shell of a woman I was. I am not being hard on myself really, I just really want to find me again. So, what steps are needed to find me? I am not sure. I intend to find out though. I know I am here somewhere.


At 3:21 PM , Blogger Colleen said...

HUGE, HUGE hugs for you. I know how that is. I go through that alot. I never completely find myself...but I try. If you need anything let me know.

At 5:28 PM , Blogger Kat said...

(((Hugs))) You are such a wonderful women. Take your time and find yourself. Even if it means locking the bathroom door and taking a hot bath. I take 1/2 everyday for just me. If I didn't I would be useless. Hang in there sweetie.

At 8:54 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I have felt the same way as you are feeling now. Why not allot even 2 hours of ME time. Do something you like doing. Meet up with friends. Watch TV shows you love. Just 2 hours would make a huge difference. Or blog about stuff you love, not just about your kids.

HUGE HUG coming through all the way from half around the globe. =)

At 12:53 PM , Blogger Crista said...

I know this feeling, too, and I'm so sorry you are so deep in it. I hope it gets better soon, and maybe squeezing in some ME time might help. Hang in there...and know I'm thinking of you!!


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