Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Belly woes

I have been down for over a week now with an upset stomach. Ok, upset, is so NOT the word. If I don't eat, I feel terrible. If I eat, I feel HORRIBLE. I feel as if I ate nothing but glass. It has steadily been getting worse. I have tried talking myself into that it is just a virus and that it will go away. Some nights thru the week I even wake up choking on acid. Not fun. That has been going on for months now but I just chalked it up to a random upset stomach.

I finally break down and go to the dr. Yes, not shocking, she believes it to be an ulcer. Wow, why am I not shocked? Hmmmm, let's look at my life. I have 5 kids I take care of most of the time on my own, a mil that can't stand me and that does anything and everything possible to make my life miserable... what else? What else is needed, isn't that enough? I take many medicines on a daily basis to survive that is probably taking a great toll on my body. So, I'd say, yeah, not a shock. What is a shock is that it hasn't happened sooner. I guess there have been many warning signs I have been missing that could have prevented this pain today, but I ignored them. How typical of the "mom syndrome" huh?

So, she hands me my rx's and tells me to take it easy and "one final thing" she says "Are you under any extra stress?" . I just laugh. "What defines extra?" I say......


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