Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Jump Start!!!

There is nothing like the flu to jumpstart a diet!!! Due to my illness, I had lost 5lbs. That was enough motivation for me!! Since then, I have restricted my calories, added water and cut out junk food (omg, did I really? yes, I bought NO ice cream this week) and (GULP) I stopped drinking diet coke and I have lost an additional 5lbs. I am *trying* to add exercise into this mix. That is my hardest task. I have many excuses for not doing it, but I am going to do my hardest to get it fit in. I have started moving more during the day, and I know that helps, but I want REAL results.
I have gained so much weight having these kids that I am at serious risk for a heart attack or stroke. I am only 33 years old!! That scares me to death. I also have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. These 2 factors with being overweight really put my ticker to the test.

So, here I am, professing my FIRST goal. I want to be reasonable and realistic. If I say
I want to lose 100lbs by such and such date, I am SURE I will fail. That task is just to
overwhelming (atleast to me). So, my FIRST goal is to lose about 35lbs before I go to
Florida in the end of March. (and no, the 10 I have alreay lost, does NOT count LOL)
I am going to give it everything I can this time, I am tired of failing.

So, any success stories or words of encouragement will be GREATLY appreciated!

And THANK YOU to all of you that gave me ideas on how to fix my laundry
situation. I did make a dent in it this weekend and it looks like all this week I will
be working on it too. My next project is to go thru the kids rooms (with them) and
itemize what clothes they REALLY want and need. Apparently they have too
many clothes for their own good and maybe they don't need as much.


At 1:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've lost almost 10 pounds since Xmas. I'm not thrilled about HOW I lost it, but it's still weight loss.

I gave up on dieting. I just can't stick to it. I'm hoping that school, work and the kids will keep me away from food.

Laundry is the worst part of life...aside from men.

At 1:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I emailed you :o)

At 1:53 PM , Blogger Crista said...

I finally just caught up...sorry I've been a bit MIA! Sounds like life has been a little overwhelming for you these past couple of months. I hope it all looks up soon, and that you can resolve things with the hubby. I think he needs a wake-up call big time!! Good luck with the weight loss, and all else...and Happy 2007!

At 6:21 AM , Blogger Kat said...

No diet coke!! gasp! Good luck girl!


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