Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


I am filled with resentment. I don't want to be, but I am and it is towards my husband. Overall, I guess he is an ok husband BUT there is one area that drives me crazy. He won't help around the house unless I pitch a fit. I don't want to pitch a fit each and every time. Does he not realize that I need help when I have let the house go so much? He feels when I ask "him" to help, he has the kids do it and that drives me even more crazy. They are not slave labor. They do need to help, but they don't need to do everything.

So, I have the flu. I am a dead woman walking. The last 2 (today makes 3) days I can't even sit upright without feeling like I am going to pass out. I am running a fever and I am just plain SICK.
He wasn't home for the 1st day of my sickness, so nothing he could do there. But yesterday, he is
home. Did he lift ONE finger to help around the house? NOPE. When he left for work lastnight the house was in more dissaray than when he came home. He did, however, run to the gas station to get me some soup and tea. That he did do. But, when he went to make me soup he made the comment "you are getting the last clean spoon". Did it take me SPELLING IT OUT that he needed to do dishes??? Obviously it did, because he did not even make an ATTEMPT at them. He left them all.

Does he feel that because he works outside of the home that he doesn't have to help. He is always telling me that "he doesn't live here, he just sleeps here". Well I am sorry, but his ass also makes a mess here and correct me if I am wrong, but I thought we were partners in this marriage. Partners as in he would help me in the house and with the kids too!! It is bad enough when he doesn't help when I am well, but when I am the living dead it would be nice to have
some help. I have abstained from sex now for almost 2 months. I have so much resentment built up that I can't have him even touch me. I have TOLD him about this, so it is not just something that is out of the blue. He just refuses to hear me. Well, maybe it is time for another talk because this is how my last marriage failed. I had too much resentment.

I am just beyond frustrated and don't know what else to do.


At 7:15 AM , Blogger Kat said...

I am so sorry that you are sick. I had that flu thing too and it is awful! your hubby needs to help more! Just wait until he gets sick, then don't do anything for him and see how he likes it! Hope you feel better soon, hang in there!

At 12:27 PM , Blogger Buttercup said...

That's awful that he doesn't help around the house, and I can't believe he said that he doesn't live there, he just sleeps there. How could he say that?? Sounds like a serious talk needs to happen, because that's not fair to you. Good luck!


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