Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Monday, October 30, 2006


So, now my precious angel, Becca, is now 18 months old. She does not speak. I thought by now she would start talking. Kaity, my older angel, refused to speak at a young age, but she COULD speak. She just chose not to. She had words, I heard them...occasionally. Now, Becca, understands when you speak to her. She understands commands. She can hear. So, why doesn't she speak? She barely says mama and usually it is when she is crying. The only other intelligable word is "that" and that is barely clear. Everything is "that". She points, grunts and cry's. At what point do I become scared? I am there. Should I be? I have always been one to say "don't worry, kids do things at different times" but I see other 18 month olds and remember my older kids then and they were gabbing away. She doesn't seem to be behind in any other manner. Am I over paranoid because Kaleb is a touch slow and needs help with is communication? He has always been able to talk, but has trouble understanding.

So, if you were me, what would you do? Start process to have her tested and maybe go into speech therapy? Or is it too soon to worry?


At 11:08 AM , Blogger Crista said...

First, my God she's gorgeous. Had to start with my initial thought.

Secondly, I think it's too soon too worry, especially if her auditory comprehension seems fine, but I also realize that's easier said than done and I don't think a screening would hurt.

Have you brought your concerns up with her pediatrician? What did he/she say? If you're losing sleep over it (which is understandable), can you call something like Birth to Three and ask for a screening?

If it would make you feel better, I say go for it, but I also bet she will start talking more in the coming months.

Did I mention how gorgeous she is? She and Baby Bee would have so much fun playing together...


At 5:17 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Love those cheeks. What has her pedia said about it? Maybe you should ask her first. From what I know, mute babies are deaf as well. You said she can hear so it may not be the problem.

Stay calm for now. I'm sure she's just enjoying listening to you guys that's why she stays quiet. And if there is something medically amiss, I'm sure it can be fixed.

At 3:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's too soon to worry about it. Landon turned 2 in August and he doesn't talk much. He understand everything and has a few words, but he's just not talking. I'll give him a few more months, then I'll look into speech therapy...but really I think it's because he's here with me all of the time and he doesn't have to talk. Once he starts daycare, I'm sure he'll talk talking like crazy.

At 7:15 AM , Blogger Kat said...

My doc told us to wait til they are 24 mths or older. I am having Bb tested for shuttering. As a parents It scares you to death. she'll be ok! Give her a big hug for me. And hang in there.


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