Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Resolutions?

So, why is it every year I make the same resolutions? And it never fails, that I do not complete a one. It is always "lose weight, be more patient, get organized... blah, blah , blah". I don't ever seem to keep a resolution. Why? Am I lazy? Maybe. Am I undisciplined? I guess so. Do I feel that these resolutions are just empty promises since I don't feel I owe myself or hold myself accountable. Probably. So, this year? I make no resolutions. Why should one day a year be filled with the desire to change what you don't like about yourself? Shouldn't everyday be a journey into self discovery and improvement? So, this year, I make no promises because I am just going to live day to day and change or love what I can about myself each and every day for the rest of my life. And if I fail, well I just start over on the next day. Each day will be a new journey to me and there will be no failure because there was no "resolution" made.

2006 was a quick year it seemed. It flew by so fast. I thought it was a first year of freedom from my inlaws, but really it was a relocation to new problems with them. It did get better in the effect that I don't have to see them everyday now, but it is worse now because they feel they can run all over me more.

2006 brought some heartache here at the end. We have discovered that my aunt has lung and liver cancer. She is an alcoholic and chain smoker and she is still doing those things even though she should stop. It infuriates me. She says she wants to kick the cancer and "Live" but to her
living is smoking and drinking. I am there to hold her hand and trying not to judge, but it kills me that she isn't getting the hint. BTW, my grandpa, her dad, also died of lung cancer from smoking.

So, here is to a good 2007! I am making no promises to myself, but I am hoping to enjoy this year and tackle any problems that may come my way.

Happy 2007 to YOU!!!


At 7:17 AM , Blogger Kat said...

I'm sorry about your aunt. I hope you have a better year.


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