Queen Bee Confessions

One woman's journey with trying to stay sane in a house with 5 kids and a husband that travels.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Mom on strike!!


Believe it or not this is NOT months worth of laundry accumulated. This is the matter of just over a week. I have been sick and have not been able to do anything for the last week. I know I have 5 growing kids, but really, do you THINK they wore this many clothes in a week???

This is the ongoing problem of kids who, when cleaning their rooms, decide to throw any and all clothes they can find into the laundry area.

I would stake my life that 75% of this is from clothes that have been thrown out of drawer while looking for something to wear and from past clean clothes that were left on the dresser, knocked onto the floor and instead of being put away, they got put in the laundry area.

This is an ongoing problem in my house. I have no ideas on how to fix this. Any imput would be greatly appreciated. In the past, I have given them the responsibility to fold and put their own clothes away. This is a practice I still use. I thought it would teach them about how much work it took to finish their laundry. They aren't getting it, obviously. One of the gulity kids has been caught red handed doing this (ie clue when his FOLDED clothes were ending up in the laundry) and a punishment was to put ALL the clean clothes from his basket on his body to wear for a set amount of time while at home. He found it funny that he had on 6 shirts, 4 pairs of pants and 3 pairs of socks. That punishment didn't work either.

So, any of you out there have this problem? If so, how are you correcting it?

I want to go on strike, but I fear that if I do, the laundry will overtake us and carry us away!!!


At 1:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to do that with my clothes. My mom caught on, and soon, I had to do my own laundry. Needless to say I quit putting clean clothes in the hamper, just because I didn't want to put them up:o)

At 2:32 PM , Blogger K said...

I hear you. My daughter used to do this and finally I said enough is enough.

Sunday night we take 7 bright colored crates and put an outfit in each one. That way she has her clothes for the week and wont put clean in with the dirty when looking for something. I keep the hamper in the bathroom and every night after work a load of laundry from the day goes in. That way I dont have to clean all friggin weekend on my day off.

Good luck. My mom had five children and I was one of the older ones. I saw what she went through trying to care for all of us. Its hard work.

At 2:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I make the twins get their clothes out of the dryer, fold/hang and put it all away. I no longer have the problem that you're having. They see what a pain it is to do the laundry so now they don't mess around.

At 10:19 AM , Blogger Gretchen said...

Each child has his/her own laundry basket in his/her room. When it's full, they bring it down to the laundry room to be washed. I'll wash, dry and fold and return the clean clothes to their room to be put away. Granted, the two year old need some help carrying the basket down, but you get the idea.

The kids are also in that painful/wonderful "Can I help?" mode. Right now I'm trying to come up with another solution so that they can help more.


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