So, do I have Superhero or Superhuman stamped somewhere on my body that I am not aware of?
I don't believe I do and I am sure I don't have a cape or a super suit hidden anywhere. So then why does my husband feel that I can do everything? More importantly, why does he feel that I SHOULD do everything?
I am very busy at work right now. Very busy doesn't even BEGIN to cut it. It is holiday season and we design HOLIDAY CARDS. Doesn't take a genius to realize that we will be busy. I even had a conversation with this man BEFORE holiday season started to implore how important it was that he help around the house because I would be extremely busy. So what happens? We get into a huge fight because he won't help. He feel's he is helping (according to him) but when dishes aren't getting done, laundry isn't getting done, and basically the house looks like a tornado hit it, he ISN'T HELPING. Then to make matters worse, when I ask him to do something, he balks, makes a joke and then ignores the request. And HE is mad that I am mad? Are you kidding me?
So, I am working nearly non stop (yes it is at home, so I get to work all the odd hours too) and my kids have been off and on sick now for a month. He is not home but on the weekends and one day during the week. He feels ENTITILED to sit on his ass and watch tv during those times. And he is mad that I think he should help. WTF? Really, did I sign up to take care of a 6th child? I don't believe I did. I am quite sure I had my tubes tied at 5. In fact, I have even gone on strike against sex. I have no energy for it, no desire. Where would I get desire? Because he sits on his ass while I am trying to kill myself with keeping up with everything? Yeah, that is attractive. Or how about when he moans and groans because he has to make his own sandwiches for work. Yeah, I just want to tear the clothes off then.
How is it that he doesn't pick up on clues? No sex because no HELP. Bitchy mom because NO HELP. Mom complains that there is NO HELP and yet, it still goes unnoticed. He just gets an attitude and claims it is because I am in a bad mood. HELLO??? Buy a clue will ya. Why would I be in a bad mood?
I am about at my wits end. I don't even want to take his phone calls. I do, but then I get aggrevated quickly into the call. I have nothing to say to him and he would rather have us sit on the phone with dead air than to hang up. Yes, because I have all the time in the world just to sit on the phone and listen to dead air. I am superhuman remember? I can do everything.